It’s the time of the year for everything PUMPKIN! Pumpkin pies, pumpkin soups, pumpkin EVERYTHING! Here are some great pumpkin varieties perfect for cooking up those cool-weather comfort foods!
We’re going to bypass carving pumpkins (think Jack-O-Lanterns) all together as they are no good for cookery. The meat is stringy and the flavor leaves a lot to be desired. Instead, choose varieties that are sweet, super flavorful, and have a smoother flesh. You’ll want to find varieties that are labeled as ‘sugar pumpkins’ or ‘pie pumpkins’. These varieties include Baby Pam, Autumn Gold, Lumina (these are white pumpkins), Cinderella, and Ghost Rider.
Pumpkin Size
The best cooking pumpkins should be between 4-8 pounds. Pass on pumpkins that have any bruising as this can be a sign of rot.
Keep your pumpkins fresh by placing them in a cool temperature. When stored properly, pumpkins can last up to 90 days. Pumpkin purée freezes very well for future pies, muffins, and more.
Visit our blog for more fun pumpkin tips!