Halloween will be here before we know it! Time to deck the house out with spooky fake spider webs, pick out costumes and CARVE THOSE PUMPKINS! Here are a few tips for an aMAZEing pumpkin carving experience.
The right pumpkin
The right pumpkin has a flat bottom so that it doesn’t wobble all over the place. Select a fresh pumpkin with a solid stem and no bruising.
Cut at an angle
Have you ever cut the top off your pumpkin only to have to drop into the goopy mess inside? Avoid this nonsense by cutting your pumpkin lid off at an angle.
The right tools
One of the best tools for cutting the lid off a pumpkin is a keyhole saw. The sharp teeth on this saw can easily slice through a pumpkin’s thick shell, and the flexible blade is awesome for making curved cuts. Other useful carving tools include hole cutters, wood gauges and a power drill.
Keep it fresh
Nothing stinks more than working hard on an awesome Jack O’Lantern only to have it rot away in a few days time. Spread petroleum jelly on the cut edges to keep your pumpkin fresh through to Halloween. If it shrivels up, you can freshen it up by soaking it in cold water for up to 8 hours.
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